Email quote

You selected ‘Email Quote’

Your holiday quote has been saved & sent

Thanks for choosing to receive your Kenwood Travel holiday quote via email. We’ve saved a record of this and sent a copy to the account provided, so please check your in-box at your earliest convenience. 

If you’re happy with the details and wish to proceed further, you have two options to choose from. Either talk to one of our travel experts over the phone, or visit and enter your unique six-digit reference number in the bottom right of the page. This allows you to begin the online booking process easily by accessing your personalised quote whenever you want. It’s also a quick way of making any changes that might be necessary to your original holiday details.

Should you have any questions at this stage don’t hesitate to speak to a member of our friendly call-centre team here in London on 0203 930 4640. We appreciate you starting your holiday search with Kenwood Travel, and look forward to sharing our award-winning holiday expertise and independently-rated customer service with you.